To link an existing Click and/or Online EFTPOS account from Worldline (previously called Paymark) please complete these steps.
If you would like to register for a new Click or Online EFTPOS account please apply for a new account with Worldline using these links (Online EFTPOS - and Click -
1) Firstly login to your Click dashboard

2) From the Click Dashboard click on 'Profile' and copy your Client ID.

3) Login to the Payminty Portal and select 'Payout Settings' then 'Connect with WORLDLINE'. A Payminty pop up will appear.

4) Paste your Client ID from Click into the Paymark Client ID section in the Worldline pop up.

5) In your Click Console select the Profile tab click 'View Accounts' from the Quick Menu section.

6) Select the appropriate account and copy your account number.

7) Go to Payminty and paste your Account Number from Click into the Worldline Account Number section in the Payminty pop up.

8) In the Click Console click 'Web Payments' then 'Integration Settings'

9) Scroll down to the API Password section and select the 'Generate API Password' Button

10) Enter your login password

11) Your API Password will be generated and show in a pop up, carefully copy this API password.

Note: It is best to use your mouse to select the API password and then 'Ctrl C' to copy, it must to exact.
12) Go to Payminty and paste the API password into the Paymark API Password section in the Payminty pop up and Click 'Save'.

13) DONE...the following screen will appear indicating you are all setup and ready to go. You are now able to accept payments by Worldlines (Paymark) Click and/or Online EFTPOS Payment Gateway.

Any questions etc. please email us on